Geschichte auf Englisch Jahr 1990 - P O N


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Geschichte auf Englisc... Poland in 1989 the Rou...
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Rumours about a possible economic reform

Since 1988 Polish inhabitants beg for reforms in the economy.  In the early days, this year, the state declared an easier legacy for creating a private business. This should rise the private businesses in Poland, which statistics show were 20% of the total economy.

So how possible is a complete reform to the western standard called free enterprise?

Yet, Poland is part of the eastern bloc and the Warsaw pact. The close boundaries to our friends in Moscow might decrease the chance of becoming economically independent.

Improvements of a free market are visualized in the western countries. They have a higher living standard, a better income and a quality and variety in products, of which we could dream of…

However insiders had let us known that the finance minister Balcerowicz is working on something.

We have to keep an eye on that!


Verbleibende Zeichen: 991
11.2.2016 12:04
Nice job :) You guys did an excellent job!!! But sadly, we noticed a little mistake: " In 1891 the political course changed" --> are you sure that it is 1891? we are a little bit confused :o But all in all, the articles are very interesting and include a lot of information! :) :)
11.2.2016 12:01
very good!
9.2.2016 13:20
you all are doing well! Keep going you start a big movement! I heard Berlin takes you as an example;)
9.2.2016 13:08
I urge you to stay under our influence
9.2.2016 13:07
Please let us get the wealth of the capitalists
9.2.2016 13:06
communism does more harm than good to our nation! I am glad to have vote at least semi- free



       Poland in 1989 the Round Table

Polish Oppositional News


Reminder: What contributed to the Round Table?

Heros in a supressed nation

Geschichte auf Englisch Jahr 1990 Poland in 1989 the Round Table P O N source: bpd


Let us go nine years back in the past, dear Polish people.

In 1980, our economic situation was horrible. The government reacted by increasing the prices for all kind of food. So, who was to blame? Of course this planned economy resulted from our communistic government.  But the Polish people are courageous! They stood up from their rights and organised strikes.  We protested for freedom of speech and press, better living standards and acceptable food prices.

300 businesses formed an organisation together. This was the birth of the Solidarność.

On the 31th August 1980, the ruling party (PZPR) signed a treaty that the Solidarność is allowed to exist as an independent party with access to mass media. Therefore, this movement became incredible popular. But this fortune did not last long: In 1891 the political course changed, because Moscow wanted a greater pressure on Poland. This was the reason why the minister president declared the martial law in December 1981. The formerly independent party was banned and the leaders were arrested.

Unbelievable, but the Polish were still keen to support the Solidarność and went on the streets to protest.

As you see on this picture, taken in the 1980s the police acted violent against peaceful democrats and this is all the fault of our misleading government!

These people demonstrating were stronger. Finally, the government had to have a dialogue with the independent party. Thanks to Gorbatschow, who did not offer help to the PZPR.

Resulting from the struggle of our nation, we achieved to have a Round Table.

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